Are you a mom looking to work from home?

There are definitely challenges but also benefits for doing so. I’m going to share with you some of those challenges we face when working from home.

I’ve now been working from home for almost 6 years. The main reason I started was so I wouldn’t have to be leaving my son at the daycare from the time they open till they close.

I wasn’t necessarily looking to be a stay at home mom and homeschool, but I wanted to have an option to have him home early whenever I wanted to.

We all want choices

Because of the choices I made, I now have my daughter with me at home. I didn’t have to send her to daycare at 3 months old.

For those of you that are looking for ways to work from home, here is the free guide that I mentioned:

7 Legit Ways For Moms To Make Money From Home

5 Challenges

  1. They Won’t take you seriously
  2. You’ll let yourself go
  3. Snack all day
  4. Asked to multitask
  5. No quality time with kids

So lets break that down…

  1. They won’t take you seriously– Your friends and family will think because you work from home it is not “work work” for real. When I was about to have my daughter and I was already working from home, no one wanted to come and help me when my maternity leave was finished. My family flew over from Europe before to stay with us before, when  I had my son.
  2. You’ll let yourself go– It’s not like going to work every day where you have to get your hair, nails and make up done or dress accordingly. We spend most of our day wearing sweat pants and not camera ready.
  3. Snack all day– Got to be honest, I have no idea how many times a day I’ll reach out for a snack. Because everything is at reach, you snack much more than you would at office work. And if on top of that you sit at the desk… you don’t burn many calories and all of the sudden we gain a few unwanted pounds.
  4. Asked to multitask– Almost every day my husband will ask me to do something since I am home, like can you take the garbage bins out or finish the laundry he started. I’m telling you, they won’t take you seriously.
  5. Quality time with kids– The hours when you work and kids are at home with you is not exactly quality time. You’d often have to keep them entertained with toys, electronics, TV so you can focus on work. it is not ideal, but at least they are with you and not daycare all day.

What about benefits?

There are definitely benefits to be working from home and they always outweigh the challenges. For example, when I started my home based business, my goal was to be able to travel and spend summers in Croatia.

The business I’m in is able to provide this for me, where I can work from anywhere and be able to take the whole summer off.

This year was the first time in 7 years we were able to go and visit our families. I finally met my nephews and they met their cousins. To me family time is the most important and secondly life is too short to just work work and never get to travel and experience life fully.

I got a very pleasant surprise yesterday too, and that is that our next fully paid incentive trip will be in Dubrovnik, Croatia next September. I am beyond excited that I’ll get to bring my team with me to see my beautiful country.

Do you like to travel too? I’d love for you to experience this with me.

In my free guide 7 Legit Ways To Make Money From Home, I talk about my favorite way and how we can possibly work together in my team. Again you can download that just by clicking on the button bellow.

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content about healthy aging. You can click and join me here: Live Healthy and Happy.




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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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