This is not just a simple declutter your home and done… see it gets more complicated than that. They say Our environments determine our success.
We are controlled by our environment, but we can also control our environment. Why is this important?
Our environments are often keeping us stuck where we are…
Have you ever heard a saying: “You’re an average of the 5 people you spend most of the time with”?
Did you know that companies use color orange to keep staff away from hanging around the water cooler and that hospitals use green colors that are calming and help people feel relaxed and comfortable?
Look around you and thing: what are some of the things that really bother you?
There are incompletes, clutter, mess, dirt, people, sounds…
There are 9 environments that we need to pay attention to:
- relationships
- spiritual
- network
- financial
- physical
- nature
- body
- self
- mimetic you
If you haven’t yet, be sure to pick up my 7 Legit Ways for moms to make money from home by clicking on this button bellow.
Make a list of all the things that are undone. Then we will plan how to get them done! Is it something you have been putting off “to do” and it’s always at the back of the to do list?
We can only hold 7 things on our mind at a time and this is why all those little undone things are keeping space in our minds.
Get things done and let go of the things that bother you.
It could be an ex-husband, boyfriend that had done something and you haven’t moved on yet…
What are some other things that fall in this category of incompletes that irritate you?
Is it closets, draws overflowing with junk, cabinets, shelves, garage, kitchen cabinets, walls, leaks, landscaping, messy desk, your bedroom, car, old clothes, magazines??
Put all of that on your list…
And I have created a guide to help you with decluttering your life and feel better about getting these things completed.
Here is a guide that will help you:
Guide to make uncompletes complete!
Congratulations!! I’m pretty sure you have a list of things that irritate you and that are undone.
If you don’t yet, make that list now!
This is how you will start moving those incompletes to done!
Pick 3 hat bother you the most on this list and for each one ask yourself these 5 questions:
- What irritates you?
- What do you need to fix it and/or who can you ask to help?
- How do you stop yourself from doing this/ asking for help?
- What’s the possible benefit of asking/ doing?
- When will you ask/ start?
Write it down!!
I’ve just done this exercise and I started cleaning and organize my closet. It was way overdue. I filled 2 bags full of clothes I no longer wear.
I could not believe I still have things that were 20 years old (surprisingly in a good condition). Now I have plenty of room in my closet to fill it with a new wardrobe I’m going to buy.
I didn’t stop there; I also cleared my kids closets and got rid of the stuff they outgrew.
It feels amazing and I can’t wait to do the next thing!!
I’d love to hear how this is working for you. Message me on Facebook and let me know.