Have you ever felt stressed, easily triggered, overwhelmed, just simply exhausted?

If you have, you may be suffering from a MOM BURNOUT. We’ve all been there and every once in a while we need to press a reset button and start over.

It is super easy to get to that point because as moms we do sooooo much, much more then we get a credit for too. I know for me, the hardest thing is when my sleep is interupted and that happens prettu much every night.

My kids would go to bed late, one will wake up in the middle of the night, while the other way too early….

In todays episode I will share with you 5 Strategies To Help Prevent “Mom Burnout”

Not that long ago…

Btw, the best thing that I did 5 years ago is I started a home based business. I used to commute to work and I had 0 energy left in me when I would get home. That Mom Burnout was way worse then…

All I would do is inpatiently wait for kids to go to bed, didn’t have energy to play and spend time with them and I’d soon just crush in front of the TV.

Mornings were the worse and I felt like I never had enough sleep…

Getting to work from home was a HUGE advantage for me. And if you haven’t downloaded yet my free guide 7 LEGIT WAYS FOR MOMS TO MAKE MONEY FROM HOME, you can do so by clicking the button bellow.

5 strategies to help prevent MOM BURNOUT

  1. Give Yourself a Credit– Nobody is going to give you credit for all that you do. You have to give it to yourself first. I know how hard you work keeping the house clean, laundry done, kids fed, homework done… and still take care of everyone else. My suggestion is to reward yourself. It may be something simple like a starbucks, a pedicure, buy something nice. You will feel so much better.
  2. Outsource and delegate– Do you have to do it all? Sometimes delegating our outsourcing things can be a huge time and money saver. You shouldn’t feel guilty for doing this. Kids won’t remember who scrubbed the floors and did laundry, but they will the time you get to spend with them. For me- I hate cleaning, so now I have a housekeeper coming to me every 2 weeks and while she is there, I get to put in the time to work on what I love. It is totally worth it.
  3. Wake up early– wake up at least one hour before you have to. That one hour of “me time” is huge and it can start your day feeling energized and be able to deal better with any emmergencies that arrise. Spend that hour with meditation, prayer, exercise, reading something inspiring, showing gratitude and visualize your ideal life. I do all of these.
  4. Take a break– sometimes you need to take a break from your kids too. A great way is to organize play dates where you swap who is watching the kids. Kids will love those too.
  5. Social media break– in today’s world this is very important. We are almost glued to our phones and go to check social media like 20 times per day. Schedule a time in your calendar when this is off.

Was this helpful?

Feel free to message me, I’m curious to know which one out of 5 helped you the most. Share this blog with another busy mom who needs to hear this strategy too.


P.S. In one of my recent blogs, I share How to Stop Yelling At Your Kids. I will attach that blog here to check it out too. Not having to yell will definitely prevent that mom burnout. 🙂

How To STOP YELLING At Your Kids

If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free facebook group where you can find more fun content about healthy aging. You can click and join me here: Live Healthy and Happy.



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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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