Yay We Are Packing To Go To Salt Lake City

This just happened… myself and 4 other moms won a free trip during a “June Month of Action”. The company we are partnered with gave us a challenge beggining of the month and that was to expose the most people to information about what we do via our app.

I like challenges, they are fun… but our biggest motivator was to get into this and win against the “Dream Team”. See they are a team that wins EVERYTHING. And we went hard, as total underdogs…. jumped from 12th place to First within the first few days. We were eye to eye with the “Dream Team”….


I mention in the video about my Free Guide 7 LEGIT WAYS FOR MOMS TO MAKE MONEY FROM HOME. You can download it right here on the link bellow:

Then this happened… a new team started chasing us and got ways ahead of us. Then a few more teams did the same. Dream Team threw in a towel and we were there deciding, is this all even worth it.

We almost gave up too, but then we pulled ourselves together. we didn’t put all this hard work to give up in the end.

The last day of the challenge we dropped to the 5th place… top teams were way ahead of us, but we believed that we could do it.

Then this happened…

We had about 6 hours to get to the top, the challenge was ending at 2am. We focused and worked like we never did. At 1 am we were still at the 4th place. We had to really give it our ALL  to beat them in the last hour. So we went to work.

And…. when it refreshed at 2am we were 3rd!!! That was like FIREWORKS.

The real realization hit us when we all had a personal phone call congradulating us and telling us about the trip we had won and how they are arranging it all for us. That felt so special.

3 things that helped us win:

  1. Accountability- we all kept each other accountable and were there for each other in our down moments.
  2. Push- no one wanted to be last with the least points, everyone wanted to contribute.
  3. Team- it is so much possible when you are doing something as a team.

If you were wondering about what is it I do and why I am so passionate about it, it is definitely the product and the copmany that is amazing, but most importanly is OUR TEAM.

We love what we do and have tons of fun together too. In my FREE guide I talk about different ways for moms to make money from home and I also mention MY FAVORITE WAY… You can download it right here bellow:

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free facebook group where you can find more fun content about healthy aging. You can click and join me here: Live Healthy and Happy.


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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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