You’ll be surprised at Number One…

I am about to share with you 10 MOST COMMON MISTAKES Network Marketers are making. You possibly made them yourself too but no worries you’ll know how to correct them. This way you’ll get your business back on track to success.

Watch this video first:

In the video I mention my FREE Attraction Marketing Bootcamp so you can start attracting your ideal prospects to you today! Click the link below to register.

Mistake #1- A list of 100

The first mistake that Network Marketers make is when they first get started. That is creating a list of 1oo. They put on paper names of all their family and friends. Then they go and send “cheesy” scripted messages to all of them asking them to look at their new business.

When a new person gets started, they have 0 skills or experience in sales. And yes, Network Marketing is sales no matter what anyone tells you.

After they send all these messages they are usually rejected left and right and feel defeated. They are not trained in sales so they don’t know how to craft these messages and what to say in response.

The worst thing is they are BURNING their WARM MARKET which is the biggest resource in building  your Network Marketing business.

Mistake #2- Not treating it like a profession

They are treating it like a hobby and not a real business. With that, they are hoping to get lucky and find that “ONE” prospect that will change their life. It is really going into it like an amateur.

Mistake #3- Wrong company

I don’t mean it is a bad company but lots of times we end up with one that doesn’t align with us. If you are not passionate about products or services you sell, your journey will be very difficult. So make sure you are aligned.

One of my friends Saralynn was in a skincare company and realized after years of denial that it wasn’t for her. Then she switched to a mental wellness one and absolutely loves it.

Mistake #4- Not setting goals

Setting goals ad having a clear roadmap where you want to go is crucial for your success. Yet most marketers fail to set them. A roadmap gives you a clear picture to where you are on your journey and what actions you need to take to get to the next level.

Mistake #5- Not being Consistent

Consistency is absolutely the key. If you don’t have consistency, you are constantly starting and stopping your business. If you stop and start again is the same like starting from scratch.

Mistake #6- Not taking ACTION

When Network Marketers realize they have to learn skills (that usually happens after they’ve already burned through their warm market…), they often stop working the business.

It is wrong to get yourself into information overload, doing self-development, but not taking action. So don’t get stuck in a learning mode, learn as you go.

Mistake #7- Not investing in YOU

In my opinion this is the most important one. If you want to take your business to the next level, it requires new skills that you don’t yet have. Investing in you is crucial!

There is no profession in the world, that has a six figure earning potential, where you don’t have to invest money to learn specific skills.

Yet many Network Marketers don’t want to invest in themselves or are told not to by their uplines.

It’s a mistake.

They only pay for their products and initial business kit and nothing else…

This is why you see so many Network Marketers stuck on the same level even after YEARS of being in business.

Mistake #8- Over promising and under delivering

This is also a big one!

Have you ever had a Network Marketer come to you and would say and do ANYTHING just so you join them. So you sign the paper and pull out your credit card.

This is really hurting our industry and is giving it a bad rep. It is wrong to make promises to your prospects that they will be making 6 and 7 figures with no skills and experience in just a few months.

Mistake #9- Being pushy

Nobody wants to join someone in business who is acting pushy and aggressive. That usually happens because of lacking experience and being desperate. Either way, don’t do it! It gives our profession a bad name.

Mistake #10- Give up

Giving up is the last common mistake Network Marketers make. You got to stay committed to your goals and think of your business as a long game.

Ask yourself these 2 questions:

Are you with a right opportunity for a long game?

And are you willing to invest in you to learn the proper skills whether you want to learn PROSPECTING and sales or Attraction Marketing?

If you want to learn the sales process for Network Marketers, you have to become good at prospecting, following up, closing and overcoming objections.

Attraction Marketing is teaching you MARKETING skills so when the prospect comes to you they are already qualified and interested in joining you and that process is much easier.

If you are willing to learn Attraction Marketing then I suggest signing up for my Attraction Marketing Bootcamp where you will learn what it takes to do so.

Just click the button below. The bootcamp is absolutely FREE.

Did you learn anything new?

I post a blog once a week to help marketers grow their business using online methods that work, so they can create raving fans that want to join them and buy from them..

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content to help you grow your business online using attraction marketing. You can click and join me here: Lead Attraction Pro.


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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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