Mom Turned CEO

In this week’s interview I talked with my friend and business partner Angie Clay. First of all she is a mom and like any mom wants what’s best for her kids. She’s been running her own cleaning business since she was a single mom to her son.

She started this business because she was tired of working weekends and nights and having her son in daycare all day. I can really relate to her story. Seems like we were all looking for solutions, for better schedule, more flexibility once we became moms.

If you are thinking about starting a home business yourself but you’re just knot sure if you can do this… I will be hosting a FREE Mom Turned CEO 5 day Bootcamp where I’ll be teaching you mindset and skills you need to rock social media and create profits fast. Check it out by clicking the button bellow.

It was great, but the only problem with that was, she was trading time for money. If she had to stay home with her son, she wouldn’t get paid…

I too decided to change my career when my son was little for the same reason. I was tired of working 6 days a week and having my son be the last kid being picked up at daycare almost every day.

I didn’t know there are professions like network marketing where you are not exactly trading time for dollars… I had no more time to trade, but instead, I could work it in my existing schedule while I was home with my son, on playground, while he’s napping…

We realized what we have

Not only that the business model was better suited, but also the company that we were both partnered with is one of a kind, backed by true science.

Angie is blown away with products we are working with and how great she started to feel when taking them. I was the same… someone who’s been in health and wellness my whole life, living very healthy.

I couldn’t’ believe that one single pill… little yellow activator can literally make you feel young again on the inside. I was no longer a tired, exhausted mom but felt full of energy like I did when I was in my twenties.

Going debt free

One thing that was unexpected that Angie accomplished since starting a business is that she is now debt free. As a Pro 5, level leader she was able to pay off all student loans and credit cards. That’s the best feeling ever.

She missed her daughter’s game…

Our team won the third place in contest and earned all expense paid trip to Salt Lake city, $500 shopping spree and Angie was the only one who could fly to represent our team. But she also had to miss her daughter’s softball game.

Sometimes you go through this mom guilt but in the end it’s all worth it because the life we are creating for our kids is why we all do this.

Angie’s advice for moms

3 tips how you can build around busiest mom schedules

  1. Nooks and crannies of your time- little blocks of time where you are super focused on income productive activities, like when kids are napping.
  2. Give them incentives- when you hit your goal they are rewarded in some way too, like a Disney trip, cruise, a toy or play time with mom.
  3. Don’t have to hide your mom life- be real and authentic. Show others it’s normal to build this business with kids in your lap.

I remember my biggest month of growth was after I had a baby… I was working talking to people on zoom while nursing my baby at the same time. It was worth it because my side business paid for my maternity leave.

If you haven’t watched the video, I posted the whole interview above. Angie is truly inspiring and I’m so glad to be working side by side with her.

Want to be a CEO mom too?

Check out my FREE 5 day boot camp Mom Turned CEO. It’s a free 5 day training to equip you to become a boss of your life too. You can start a side hustle and I will teach you how to set goals, have a BOSS mindset, crush social media and get in profits fast. Click the learn more button bellow.

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content about healthy aging. You can click and join me here: Live Healthy and Happy

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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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