Make money from home for career moms

Never in the million years, my friend Milena thought she would ever lose here “secure” job as a financial analyst…

But it did happen. When Covid hit so many families were affected financially. 1 in 4 families in the US had lost one income stream.

3 things that the year 2020 has thought us are:

1.There is no such a thing as a “secure” job
2.Moms are looking for ways to make money online
3.They are looking into ways to diversify their income and create multiple income streams.

Luckily for Milena, she had a side business that she’s been building for years, that now overnight became her main source of income.

Here is a part of our interview we did just recently:

The thing is we all are already using certain products and recommending them to our friends, and we post and read posts on social media too.

So why not making money for something that we already do.
What if you have been financially affected by this pandemic?

Instead of holding tight to your money… you can invest a few hundred dollars and have a franchise business in a box.

That’s what I love about what I do too… as an owner of a traditional business before I knew what a minimum investment is to start anything like that.

If you have a job and haven’t been affected with this economy, this is a good time to start thinking about a plan B. Everyone that wants to gain financial freedom in the future has more than one income stream.

When I was first introduced, I thought of this as putting more hours of my time into something… the time that I didn’t have, but what I found was that my business helped me free up a lot of my time and more time to spend with family.

If you’re interested and not quite sure what work from home is best for you, I put together a resource that goes over 7 legit ways for moms to make money from home and you can grab that right here on my blog.

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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

    1 Response to "Make Money From Home for Career Moms"

    • Milena Mitkov

      I am so grateful for your friendship Ana and everything we have done together!! You are one rockstar mompreneur!!

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