Set A Goal And Achieve It

Are you already setting goals for 2024 for your network marketing business? If not, now is the time. Don’t be one of those people that waits for December or makes those new year’s resolutions on the 31st. You want to have a clear goal and get into momentum now before the year ends, so then you can go and crush it when it comes to January.

I’m going to share with you how to set a goal and how to achieve goals in a way that you probably haven’t heard before. You don’t want your year to be the same like last year and the year before and the year before.

If you want your 2024 to be a breakthrough year for you in your network marketing business, then pay attention to everything I’m going to share with you.

I’ll share with you six steps of goal creation and how to follow along with each step so you can create the best year ever in your business.

Watch this video to learn more:

If you’d also like to learn the fastest strategy to move your network marketing business into the most successful year ever, then sign up for the free digital recruiting bootcamp I mention in the video.

Are you setting a right goal?

Now let’s talk about goals.  Your goal needs to be so inspiring and big that you will want to achieve it. There’s no excitement  about small goals,  about something that doesn’t really move you. Make your goal  as big as possible  so that you will be inspired turn into reality.

It doesn’t have to be something that you know how to achieve. How is not important. It is only important to know that you really want it.

Put it down on the paper.  What do you want? It’s important to set your own goal and not have other people influence your goal, not your family, not your upline. It is your goal. And choose wants, not needs.

There’s nothing inspirational in needs. That is more a desperation…

Your goal doesn’t have to be logical.  In fact, it’s better that it’s not. I’ll tell you an example. When I was in my twenties, I decided to go work on cruise ships. I had these goals since I was a little girl and didn’t see myself fit in Croatia, working for someone, or having my own business, and not creating something really exceptional.

Settling for making little money because I don’t have, higher education, wasn’t an option for me. I used to be told that I’m living in the clouds,  but then I went to  work on cruise ships and created an amazing career.

This is what I wanted. I didn’t let anyone, doubt me or tell me it’s not possible. I chose to live in clouds until I made my goal happen. My mentor, late Bob Proctor says: “you are trading your life for your goal”.

So make it big.

6 Steps to goal achieving

I learned from Bob Proctor.

Here are the 6 steps:

  1. Who am I?
  2.  Where am I now?
  3. Where am I going?
  4. My critical choice
  5. It can be done
  6. Manifestation.

1. Who am I?

We always think of ourselves as our name, as our body, but that’s not really who we are. Actually we are living in three planes of reality.  We are in a spiritual being, an intellectual being, and we are living in a physical body. Once you understand that you are not just your body, just your name, you have an extreme potential and you can achieve anything that you want.

There’s no limits to what you can achieve. So don’t limit yourself.

2. Where am I now?

You got know where you are presently. Look at your life like GPS. You need to know where you stand. where you are, your starting location  and where you’re going. And then you  input this together with your destination, your GPS will get you there, right?

In order achieve anything in life, anything in your goals, you need to understand where you’re at. Why is this important? Because how much money you make per year  and how much money have ever you made per year is your Paradigm.

Your Paradigm is keeping you stuck where you are.

Because of it you’re convinced that you cannot do better. When you want to make more money, it acts like a thermostat.  If you make 5, 000 more this year, it will go back down and it will even that out.

We have these paradigms that are pretty much programmed in our minds from a very young age, from  what our parents have taught us,  from what school had told us and from our work experience.

Paradigms are multitude of habits. And you would agree with me that habits are really hard to form and really hard to break. We function on that frequency and are making the same amount every year.

Have you ever set goals to achieve more but your years are just the same?

And what we have to do is if we want to achieve different results, we have to start breaking these habits and creating new ones that are going to put us on a higher level, on a higher frequency that is the frequency of our goal.

So take an honest picture. Where are you at? How much money are you making? Put it the way it is. What rank are you in your company? How many customers you have? How many consultants you have? So make it all where you’re starting. This is your GPS starting point.

3. Where am I going?

This is the exciting part. There’s no limit where you can go. So you want to set that goal to where you want to be. Now you’re going to put down on the paper…

What do you want?

Write down a list, concentrate, put some relaxing music on, be quiet in the room by yourself and start writing everything that you want.

Everything that you  imagined when you were a little child,  even if somebody killed your dream afterwards. Doesn’t matter. Go back to where you were when you were still dreaming and start writing everything down.

After you have a nice list of your wants, what you want to do is you want to pick one that is going to be your ultimate goal.

For example, if your goal is to make six figures in your network marketing business, and it’s also to, have a team of 30, to win  company’s incentive trip,  or also to win a company car…  When you reach your goal of six figures, all of those goals will come automatically as well.

So pick one that makes most of the other goals happen as well. This is your want. You can go anywhere you want.

Don’t be shy on what your wants are. If somebody tells you it’s not possible to get to that rank, that it’s not possible to jump five, six ranks, they don’t know what’s possible for you.

And really anything is possible as long as you believe it, as long as you follow these steps that I’m going to share with you, you can achieve anything that you want.

Write your goal on the card and read it as much as possible every single day.

You will  get inspired to move into actions  that are going to make that goal possible for you. You’re working towards your goal and your goal is working towards you. It’s better said you’re from your goal, and attracting it to you like a magnet.

You want to  be in a state that your goal is already achieved, that you’re already doing that,  that you’re already that rank, that you’re already making the money that you want.

Why is that important?

Because you will then kick in your thoughts into your subconscious mind that is more emotional mind and doesn’t know what’s real and what isn’t.

When you function on that level, it must happen. Your body, which is like your physical part, has to move into action. And that creates that new result that you want.

The important thing is to feed our subconscious mind with the ideas that you want. You want to talk in the present tense. That’s why affirmations are so important.

If you tell yourself an affirmation that starts with the “I am”. Even if it’s a lie, after a while,  you’re going to start believing it because you’re repeating that to your subconscious mind, who does not know what’s real and what isn’t.

Now listen to me on this one. This really works. You gotta be in the state: “I am, I am” because the if you’re saying I’m going to achieve that.

If you say: “I’m going to try”, you will always just keep trying. You will miss your goal. Your goal needs to be on the same frequency as your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Make those affirmations, make that goal, read it as much as possible so it sinks into your subconscious mind and your result and your goal is achieved faster.

4. My critical choice

At one point, you’re going to have to make a decision.   It could be to marry,   to get out of the abusive relationship, to get out of marriage, to get divorced, to get into a new business, start a new business, to quit your job or to move.

It could be anything, but these are decisions that we are often not making. And because of that, we stay in bondage. Bondage is when nothing happens and it’s the miserable place to be. What you have to do is make a decision and push through the fear.

There’s going to be fear, no doubt, but it always works out on the other side. You do not have to. If you don’t know how something will happen, you just have to push through it. Once you push through it, you will gain your freedom and everything’s going to be possible for you. Don’t let circumstances and fears stop you.

Just recently, I made  a huge decision in my life  and everything just started to fall into place. I’m so happy that I did it and that I listened to something that had to be done long time ago.

There are no limits to what you can do. You got to remove toxic people out of your life and anything that is blocking you and your goals.

Don’t live like an extra in your own movie.  You are a star in your own movie.

5. It can be done

You are capable. And if you’re willing, then the goal must happen. But you’ve got to understand, gain knowledge, learn new skills, use and implement them.

If you don’t, you’ll have fear and doubt and nothing can happen. Nothing good can happen if you’re fearful, if you’re doubtful. When you have knowledge, then  you will have faith and you will know  that it’s possible. You will be a hundred percent certain that this is going to happen for you.

6. Manifestation

This is where the magic happens. You’re going to be paying the price for your goal and you will be achieving it. In order to achieve your goal, you’re going to have to really focus and use our higher mental capabilities to do so. Concentrate and discard all the distractions, everything from the outside that is stopping you from achieving your goal.

You really have to have a focus and a tunnel vision.  And until it’s achieved, you have to have mental strength.

Now again, create a shopping list. Make a list of your wants. Think from the goal like it’s already achieved. Listen to your intuition because your intuition will give you inspired action.

When you get a thought in your mind, “Oh, I should call this person. I should do this” , either write it down if it’s not possible to do right away or just do it.

If it happens in the middle of the night or early in the morning or you’re somewhere where you can’t do that, write it down and go do it. This is your intuition helping you get closer to your goal.

Have you ever thought of someone and then all of a sudden they are thinking of you and they call you? This is your intuition talking to you.

And take those inspired actions every day,  make your goal into a vision board.

Vision boards are really popular now in December. So we can see in pictures and really gasp what’s going to happen when I achieve that goal.

They’re really powerful and have it in front of you. Most of the things I put on my vision boards over the years I have manifested.


And if you want to learn a skill on how to build your business in 2024, faster using modern marketing strategies that work, then do this.

Sign up for my free digital recruiting bootcamp so you don’t get frustrated with rejection. people not messaging you back and all of that stuff.And frankly, wasting time.

You will learn what the modern strategies are, how to attract prospects to come to you and build your business faster than ever.

Question of the week

What is your BIG business goal? How much will you grow in 2024?

Did you learn anything new?

I post a blog once a week to help marketers grow their business using online methods that work, so they can create raving fans that want to join them and buy from them..

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content to help you grow your business online using attraction marketing. You can click and join me here: Lead Attraction Pro.

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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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