What is passive prospecting?

Have you been prospecting, sending messages, and in return, getting no response, people telling you no, or even getting angry with you? I totally get it. You’re wasting a whole bunch of time and your business is not going forward.

I’m going to share with you a simple social media system that you can operate in a way that prospects come to you.

Watch this video and find out what is PASSIVE PROSPECTING and how you can use it in your business.

If you are curious about the FREE Digital Recruiting Bootcamp I mentioned where I learned passive prospecting formula, you can learn more here:

Passive prospecting system

What we’re going talk about is what I  call a passive prospecting system.

It’s a system where you’re not going to be actively reaching out to people and getting all of those rejections.  Instead, I will show you exactly what you need to do on your social media profiles to have interested prospects raising their hands.

1. Step one- clean up your profile.

First, let’s start with the profile photo.

It has to be a picture of you. We love your dogs. We love your cats, but, and your family,  but that space for the profile picture.  It has to be a picture of just you. That’s how people recognize you and they want to connect with you. Keep it very uniform for all of your social media profiles.

I don’t often change my profile picture. In fact, I don’t know when was the last time I changed it because it is something that people recognize you with. As soon as you change a photo and people don’t know you that well, they will be like confused and they’re like: “Oh, is that her?”

Another thing that you would want to  clean up is your posts.

If you’ve been posting a lot about your company, about your products, naming the company, naming the products, you want to clean that up.

The reason for  that is it’s not attractive if they  can already see and go to the “University of Google” and find out what is it that you’re doing, which company you’re in and what products you sell.

They  will see all the bad reviews and everything  that almost every company has and they will never come to you and they will make up their mind: “I’m not buying that, I’m not joining that” before they even talk to you.

So if you want to create attraction marketing system, it’s very important that you do not publicly talk about your company or your products.

You don’t have to go  very far in the history.  All you need to do is clean up the five last posts that they’re okay. And going forward, you’re going to be posting value. You’re not going to be posting spammy posts anymore if you’ve been doing so.

2. Step two- you got to define your  target market

Target market is people  who you’re going to be promoting to. In attraction marketing, you are not promoting to everyone. You want to be   very specific on what problems you’re  solving. And you want to create an audience that is likely looking for what you have.

Take time on this. Be very specific on who this audience is. It has to be narrow, but not too narrow. You want to niche it down to maybe a million people. To find them, you’re going to be joining different interest groups and following gurus that are in that specific target market.

If you’re part of my Lead Attraction Pro Facebook group in there under guides, I have the training to show you exactly how to identify your target market. This is really important because you’re always going to go back to this. training. When you’re creating content, later on, that is going to be your base.

3. Step three, you’re going to start connecting with people who are in your target market

I suggest making 10 new connections every single day. You can do more or you can do less. Just think about what can you be consistent with.

I think 10 is a good number. It will help to move your business forward faster, but if you absolutely cannot do 10, then do five, three, but do it every day.

Where are you going to find these people? We already said, you’re going to be joining groups and following gurus that are in that specific target market.

And you’re going to be connecting with people in there who are commenting and asking questions.  You’re going to be posting value, interacting in the Facebook groups, following gurus and answering comments.

But do not post your links or your company, only engage with these people. And from there, you will see who fits your target market the best.

You will find 10 people to connect with and send them a friend request. The idea is to expand your network actively as soon as possible.

You’re only growing our audience. It’s important to know, you are not going to pitch these people our business or our products in the future.

We never do that as attraction marketer. So you think of it, you’re making new friends. You’re expanding your audience and want to have as many eyeballs in front of what you have.

4. Step four- your content

So what do you post now that you cannot post anything about your products, company, anything like you’ve been posting before?

You’re just wondering, how do people know about me? How they’re going to know about what I’m doing?

This is how. You’re going to be giving them little hints These are the type of posts that I would post every week. What really helps is having a posting schedule. I teach this to my team.

You decide what will you post on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the weekend. I do a mix of motivational posts. So every Tuesday I post a quote or I post something motivational. You definitely want to have something that is giving them value to your target market.

Anything that’s talking about the problems that you have, not necessarily having a call to action, just educating them on how they can solve certain problems. Maybe giving them some free tips that needs to be a part of your, weekly schedule on what you post. Here are other examples of what type of content to post:  education, entertainment, engaging, curiosity and lifestyle.

Expand on who you are, what your brand is going to be, what do you do for fun, any hobbies, anything funny that happened,  your kids  or your pets.

Lifestyle posts are really awesome,   where you’re going, where you’re eating, what are you cooking, how does your life look behind the scenes. Because people are really hooked on  reality shows and what you are like outside the business. They are curious about your interests.

I usually post my lifestyle posts on the weekends when I’m doing something with kids. I share what we did. It can be something simple like  hanging out at the pool  or going to the park or hanging out with friends.

Then what I like to do is I like to post engaging posts. You got to have one day when you’re posting engaging posts. For me, that’s Thursday and I post something funny. I found that funny posts,   go a long way and people share them. And what happens when somebody shares your post, it gets in front of more people.

It gets in front of their friends and then their friends. And when you get five, 10 shares, all of a sudden you’re expanding that audience that your content is being seen by.

Mix in live videos and Reels. They are really great because Reels have higher reach than any other content on Instagram or Facebook.  It’s getting shown to people who don’t know you and from there they can be attracted to you, see your profile, and become your followers or your friends.

Then you  want to post curiosity type posts as well, which is not telling them what is it that you’re doing.

It’s making them curious. Likely people will start messaging you. Or when you reach out to them to say Happy birthday, they’re like: “oh, what was that thing you were talking about?” So they will start coming to you. Make sure, on your posting schedule, that you’re posting curiosity as well.

When you have posting schedule, it’s easy to plan content ahead.  If you know that you’re posting, let’s say,  motivational posts every Monday,  you can then create four motivational posts, have them somewhere in your files or pre schedule them. However you want to do it. And you have them pre scheduled for the whole month.

The same goes with all the other post types.

Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be something that you’re currently doing. You may be thinking: “my weekends are so boring.  I’m not really doing anything.”

You can post a memory. Just take pictures from the memory, and repost them. This was such a great time. explain to them what you did and how you want to go there again, and that’s it. It doesn’t have to be current. You don’t have to be taking vacations every single day.

If you were going somewhere like three, five, six years ago, then you can repost those.

5. Number five- engage

Make sure you are engaging with people who you’re connecting with. You want to spend 20 minutes every single day going through their content. Go on the timeline with people who you connected and   like, comment and share on their timelines.

This is super important because more you’re engaging with your ideal prospects, more of your posts they’re going to be seeing. So now your posts are going to be getting that engagement that you’re looking for.

I started there as well. You start with like two, three people liking your post. It’s probably your mom, your best friend that you told them to, and somebody else random.

And it takes time to start building that engagement, but this is the fastest way to build your engagement on your posts, to get eyeballs on every content that you post. That is by actively engaging, making meaningful comments and having conversations on their timeline.

Spend 20 minutes every day doing this.

6. And number six- “more info” post

This is where attraction happens. You want to create a “more info” post,  where your prospects are going to be asking you for more info. And it’s a very simple structure of this post. It starts start with the problem. that you found the solution, benefit and call to action.

Let me give you an example.

“I used to suffer from terrible headaches.  And I found the solution that now I no longer have to be sitting in a dark room waiting for it to pass or just feeling horrible. Instead, I can now enjoy my life and I’ve been headache free for a year.”

And what the call to action would be… You can say: “if you’re curious on what I found, I’m happy to share, just ask.” Then you will start seeing people making those comments. “I want more information.”

They will either DM you,  they will comment below or they will ask when they see you next time. Avoid asking them to comment or send you a DM as your call to action. Those type of posts usually get punished by the algorithm.

What you can do with this post later on, especially if you’re using your Facebook page, a business page, you can  add some ad dollars  to make that post seen by a larger audience in your target market. And you will have tons of people just asking for more information every day.

Now you have people raising their hands. And they are your true leads. They’re interested prospects. These are the people you want to reach out to because they asked for the information first.

So you see how that all plays together. It’s important to stay consistent, to  follow all of these steps   and you will see your business is going to completely change.

And this is how I’ve been passively attracting 10 or more leads. to me every single day. If you’d like to know this strategy in depth and implement it in your business right now, then go through my Digital Recruiting Bootcamp. In there, you will learn exact strategy that I’m using, and you will get all the help that you need.

I’m looking forward to hear what your results are with this.

Question of the week:

What has been your experience with prospecting on social media?   Post it in the comments below.

Did you learn anything new?

I post a blog once a week to help marketers grow their business using online methods that work, so they can create raving fans that want to join them and buy from them..

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content to help you grow your business online using attraction marketing. You can click and join me here: Lead Attraction Pro.

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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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