4 HOTTEST Social Media Channels

I’m going to share what those are and also how to best use them to grow your business without having to spend countless hours on social media every day.

The 2 words are batching content and automation.  Watch this video first to learn more.

In the video I mention my group Lead Attraction Pro where you can continue learning best social media strategies and work in a more private setting with me personally. If you’d like that additional help, then join my free group by clicking the button below.

So here are the 4 Social Media Channels I recommend:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. YouTube
  4. Tik-Tok

Of course, there are other planforms like Clubhouse, LinkedIn, Pinterest… and so many others. I don’t personally use them. I use the above four but if you’re on a different platform and it’s been working for you then keep on doing it. Take from this training what you need.

Learn how I use these 4 Social Media channels without having to spend tons of time on them. I’ll also show you how I repurpose my content around them so I can have time freedom, automate my business and be the most effective.

1. Facebook

Many people wonder if Facebook is still a thing? The answer is: it is! It is still the number one platform, especially because of the communities you’re able to build in a form of Facebook groups. There are literally millions of groups for any topic or interest you may pick. It’s great whether you’re growing your own group or are a connecting with like minded people who are a part of a different group.

Facebook is also the best to bring someone from cold audience and have them get to know you by sharing your life, your journey and your brand.

On Facebook, you can look at someone’s profile and learn tons about them just from their first 5-10 posts. It is what makes it different and should be a part of your strategy.

2. Instagram

What’s great about Instagram is that you can really hone in on your niche, your brand. You can focus solely on helping and solving problems that are specific for your target market or your niche.

Another great thing is that on Instagram you can sell. Unlike Facebook where you are mainly socializing and building a community, Instagram makes it easy to sell your products and services. And to sell from Facebook you usually have to bring people into a messenger, a zoom or a phone call.

On Instagram it’s very simple, you just point people to links in your bio. (btw, that’s the only place where you can have a clickable link). I don’t really spend a lot of time on my instagram (I’ll share what I do there) but most of my organic leads and sales come from there.

3. YouTube

YouTube is very different than all the other channels. It’s actually like a video Google, it’s a search engine. When you post a video on YouTube, people are actually searching for that topic. Hopefully you have that search term in your tittle….

So the leads that you get there are far better quality because these people are actively looking for solutions. They are not being interrupted like with your marketing on other channels.

Not a lot of Network Marketers are utilizing YouTube, so it’s a huge opportunity.

Another thing is, your content stays there forever and your videos are getting new viewers every day. Unlike when you do a live video and then it’s gone after 24-48 hours.

You can even have YouTube pay you when you have over 1000 subscribers on your channel.

I think you must consider YouTube as one of your long term strategies.

4. TikTok

I’m using it the least out of 4, but I want to be present there. Let’s say I don’t originate content there, I only share. But if you want to go all in on TikTok right now, that is a must. The original content is preferred. I’m only not doin it for the lack of time but I am aware how powerful it really is.

So I originate my short form videos on Instagram then I share on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. If I was focusing on TikTok that’s where I would originate my video…

And if you are sick and tired of other platforms and just want to test something new, TikTok is what I recommend.

My friends Mike and Carla went from 0 to 140 000 followers in only one month, had viral videos that are bringing them customers and team members to this day.

All 4 channels that I mentioned have one thing in common and that is a short form video.

Here’s how short form videos are working for me. I said before I will share how I use Instagram. I mainly use it to do Reels. I usually record 10-14 in one shot that I use later. Not only that, I also repurpose them on my other 3 channels every day.

So you are repurposing your 15 Second Video for thousands of people to see. It’s amazing how it can differently perform on each platform. You just never know. Some of my YouTube Shorts are being shown to 10 000 plus people on YouTube for example.

On YouTube I post one long video once per week where my shorts get posted every day. This gives me more views on my other videos, new likes and new subscribers.

Let’s talk about Long Content like long videos…

I create my long videos four at a time in one shot. This way I have prerecorded content for the whole month. I then turn each video into a blog and use my social media channels to blast out the info there is a new video and blog out there.

It’s very easy, if you have one long video topic, to create bite peace content for the whole week based on that. It can be quotes, questions or tips.

Dive deeper with me…

If you’d like to know more how to create content, batch and plan it out for your social media channel, how to become Attraction Marketing Pro, then I invite you to join my Lead Attraction Pro group.

Learn how to attract quality leads to you without having to prospect strangers online or anyone…

Request to join and get ahead. I have a marketing business plan for you all ready to become a Lead Attraction Pro in the next 12 months.

Did you learn anything new?

I post a blog once a week to help marketers grow their business using online methods that work, so they can create raving fans that want to join them and buy from them..

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content to help you grow your business online using attraction marketing. You can click and join me here: Lead Attraction Pro.








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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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