Best Year In Network Marketing

Hey, would you like the 2024 to be the best year for you in network marketing? In order to do that, what we do now and in the next 90 days is crucial. We’re going to create momentum that is going to compound over the next year. I’m going to share with you exactly what to do.

Watch this video first:

In the video I mentioned my FREE Digital Recruiting Bootcamp to help you with the right strategy and actions to crush it in 2024! Just click the button below for immediate access.

Creating momentum

What you need to do  to make 2024 the best year ever,  you have to create momentum.

In the next 90 days, you’re going to create such momentum that everything else is going to flow so easy. You’re probably going to work the hardest you’ve ever worked,  but it’s going to be so rewarded in the end.

What I don’t want to use is a term “MASSIVE” action. Lots of the gurus and trainers out there are going to tell you: “you got to take massive action”.

Massive action to me, sounds like hard labor. You don’t want to be doing hard labor, right? It doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t feel good and as soon as you think about it, you want to give up because you’re not willing to do all that.

So let’s cross off the word “MASSIVE” in front of action. What you need to have is you need to have inspired and focused action.

When something doesn’t feel good, instead of having joy in doing things, you will create doubt, fear, and you will give up. Lots of times we set these targets and we are all excited about them. But lots of times, you give yourself too many actions to take that is physically not possible to do.  And because you don’t do it, you skip a few days, and in the end: give up!.

This happens every year to most people with new year’s resolutions. You set them and then you quickly break them and.

What do you want?

First, you’re going to set a goal of what you want to happen. Where do you see yourself to be in the next 90 days?

Where are you? What rank are you? How much money do you have saved in your bank account?  How much money are you making per month? Did you win a car bonus, a cash bonus or earn an incentive trip?

What is it that you want? Put that down on a paper.

What is your 90 day goal? Now you’d want to  turn that goal into DESIRE.

Just wanting something is not enough to get you inspired, but having that burning desire is. Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich, dedicated a whole chapter to desire in achieving any success.

Now that you know exactly what you want, write it down in  a present tense like if you’ve already achieved it.

And I want you to put in descriptions and emotions that you’re feeling. So let’s say you reach that new rank, you’re walking on the stage. How does that feel? Who is congratulating you? Maybe there’s kids and your family watching you up on the stage… What are you wearing? Are you nervous?

Do you have to say a few words and you’re feeling nervous?  Imagine all that. Who is there congratulating you? Are you meeting the CEO of the company? Who are you meeting? Put as much description as you can into this and as much emotion as you can.

This is why is it important to put down how we feel…. When you feel something  you’re already imprinting this in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is what makes things happen. Thoughts  that we put in our conscious mind, we can reject. And what we usually do is we do reject them because we are telling ourselves: “things are just fine the way they are. ”

In order for our subconscious mind to start working and start giving you different results than you have year after year, you have to be emotionally involved.

So this is why it’s important when you’re creating your goal to include your emotions, make it as a real as possible.  Like you’re living in a movie,  like you’re living in a fantasy…

Write it all down. How would you feel if this was happening right now? Assume that it is done and it will be done.

Don’t let your conscious mind, your logic, take you out.

Also, don’t get other people influence you.

Your goal is your goal. What you want and  what you feel you can achieve,  you can.

Don’t let other people discourage you. Don’t listen to them. Be focused on what you want.

Write your script

Now that you have that written out, I want you to record it and listen to yourself talking every day. If you have voice recorder on your phone, that’s where I record mine. I call them scripts.

Listen to it when you wake up in the morning, while you’re doing something like driving or sending “Happy Birthday” messages.

And this will imprint it into your subconscious mind. It’s all multitude of habits and you’re now changing these habits and how you change any habit is by repetition. When you want to do something, you repeat it so many times. The same goes with your thoughts.

We got to do this constant repetition. Did you know that if you tell yourself a lie for 30 days, you will start believing a lie.

and this is why it’s so important you trust your own voice, you’re recording it in your own voice and you’re listening to it until you start believing and this will happen to you.

Your gut feeling

Also listen to your inner voice, your intuition, because as you’re doing this, you will have thoughts that will come to you from your intuition telling you what you need to do.

That is an inspired action!

When you get inspired to do something, do it right away! Write it down, and if you can’t do it right away, make it a priority as soon as you can.

So if that inspired action is to talk to someone, if it’s to create something, do it, write it down.

This is really important. You’re going to be focused on actions that feel good and it’s important to do the action to feel good.

Don’t procrastinate when you decide you’re going to do something.   Start now whether you’re ready or not. Record this script  and put down what do you want to happen in the next 90 days.

What are the actions that are coming up right now? They’re going to change, but what is it that you need to do like absolutely right now? Don’t delay it to somewhere in the future, like in March, I’m going to start doing it. No, your momentum is going to pass you by.

I remember my first month in network marketing back in 2016, and I wanted to do recruit 20 people in 30 days, which is the course by Eric Worre. And I was also in his coaching program that was called the Inner Game, which was all about the mindset.

I learned that mindset is really 95 percent of your results! You’ve got to change that programming that is, keeping you where you’re at right now.

The other thing that I learned is when you are in action, your mindset shifts and you create momentum.

Taking action will feel really strange and you don’t want to do it.  But when you push through, you start seeing results, new customers & new distributors signing up. This will push you into more action because it feels good.

You’re excited. The momentum is happening. You have this good, positive feeling about what’s going on. You cannot down now hold a negative thought. Being in action stops the procrastination.

If you give your industry everything that you got in the next 90 days, your industry will give you anything that you want for the rest of your life.

It is a quote from Bob Proctor that he said a few years ago at one of our network marketing events. This is so true. And this is exactly what we’re talking about in this video today.


You got to focus! Being focused on one activity  for one hour is better than putting in eight hours of different activities in your work.

I want you to do this. Time yourself how fast you are going to get to 26 writing 1A, 2B, 3C…, one number and one letter. Do it as fast as you can.

Did you do it? What was your number?

And now, I want you to do just numbers to 26 and do it as fast as possible.

Was it faster?

Now do the alphabet. Was it faster again?

Exactly, because we cannot focus on two different things at the same time. It’s very hard when our mind is divided. So if we focus on one thing, you will get there faster.

I now practice focus all the time.

It is so important to be focused on one thing. You’re going to be so much more productive, especially if you’re someone like me. I’m undiagnosed ADHD, I tend to lose focus easily. But now I practice staying focused on one thing for designated time. I get so much more done this way!

You can’t imagine how much better, how much more productive you’re going to be if you focus on income producing activities only for one hour and you’re not checking emails?

And you’re not being distracted with anything else.

Have it in the schedule and, really set yourself exactly what you’re going to be doing in that one hour, you will see how everything is going to start moving forward much faster.

Order yourself: This is what I’m doing. You will get it done. But if you wanna change your life for the next 90 days, what you need to do is clear your schedule, put down exactly what you’re going to be doing and when you will do it.

Clear your schedule from anything that is unnecessary

I’m doing this too, and I have birthdays coming up, I’ll be traveling and have events.  But, I put that on the schedule and I’m going to work my business, put it in momentum in January, working around those events that are already there.

Put more effort and more focus into days when you can.

  • Negotiate who you need to negotiate with. In my case I negotiated with my kids.  I promised them what we’re going to do when 90 days comes exactly what we’re going to do when mommy achieves this goal.
  • Delegate things. One thing that  comes to mind is cleaning your house. It takes me four or five hours to clean my own house, especially if kids are around. In those five hours, I could be working on my business and I could be moving it forward. So just imagine, how much money you can make per hour in your business if you get a new consultant and new customers.

You can put those hours into building your business. Is it mowing the lawn, doing laundry, babysitting?

If you have a job, take time off from your job. Would it be worth it to take a few days off a week off or whatever you can, and just work your business in those times?

Every time I do these big runs, I do that. I take time off from work, just to work my business while kids are in school so I can be the most productive.

Those little sacrifices now that are going to change your life forever.

Your 90 day plan

Don’t take your blinders off until March. Get in action now, today!

And if you’re feeling like actions that you are taking right now to build your business are not comfortable, not giving you joy, what I suggest is going through my digital recruiting bootcamp.

In there you will find how I’m building my business that feels good. I love the way I’m attracting prospects to come to me instead of chasing them.

You can find this video series bootcamp if you click the link below.

Question of the week:

What is that one habit that you will focus on in the next 90 days to start your 2024 in a full blown momentum?

Drop me an answer below in the comments.

Did you learn anything new?

I post a blog once a week to help marketers grow their business using online methods that work, so they can create raving fans that want to join them and buy from them..

P.S. If you have any questions, I hang out mostly on Facebook and you can find me HERE. I also run a free Facebook group where you can find more fun content to help you grow your business online using attraction marketing. You can click and join me here: Lead Attraction Pro.

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Ana Stropnik helps working moms create an income stream from home so they can live the lifestyle they love and have more special family moments. Click here to learn more.

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